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来源:中国金属通报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-02-22

【摘要】:[背景]全国空气重点监测的72 个大中城市中,保定市大气污染较严重,且采暖季PM2.5污染状况较非采暖季严重。 [目的]评估保定市采暖季PM2.5中金属与类金属的健康风险,为治理空

[背景]全国空气重点监测的72 个大中城市中,保定市大气污染较严重,且采暖季PM2.5污染状况较非采暖季严重。


[方法]2014—2018年每年11月15日至次年3月15日(采暖季)的每月10—16日,在保定市乐凯小学教学楼4 楼楼顶采用石英纤维滤膜采集PM2.5样品,共采样145 d。采用石英纤维滤膜采样前后重量差和采样体积计算得到PM2.5质量浓度,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)检测12 种金属与类金属元素浓度,包括锑(Sb)、铝(Al)、砷(As)、铍(Be)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、汞(Hg)、铅(Pb)、锰(Mn)、镍(Ni)、硒(Se)、铊(Tl)。应用经呼吸途径的健康风险评价模型评价金属Pb、Hg、Mn的非致癌效应,类金属As与金属Cd、Cr、Ni的致癌效应。

[结果]2014—2018年的5个采暖季中,PM2.5日均质量浓度依次为2.00×102、1.79×102、2.05×102、1.14×102、1.19×102μg·m-3,Pb的平均质量浓度依次为3.41×10-1、1.44×10-1、1.31×10-1、5.22×10-2、8.49×10-2μg·m-3,与GB 3095—2012《环境空气质量标准》比较,PM2.5日均浓度均超标,Pb 平均浓度均达标;5个采暖季的金属与类金属总质量浓度依次为9.21×10-1、8.15×10-1、5.61×10-1、3.58×10-1、4.49×10-1μg·m-3,分别占PM2.5质量浓度的0.46%、0.46%、0.27%、0.31%、0.38%。2017年、2018年采暖季PM2.5质量浓度和金属与类金属质量浓度较其余3 个采暖季低。金属Pb、Mn、Hg 的5 个采暖季非致癌风险(HQ)范围依次为4.00×10-4~2.08×10-1、4.00×10-4~8.77×10-2、4.00×10-4~7.98×10-2、1.00×10-4~3.18×10-2、1.00×10-4~5.77×10-2,HQ 均小于1;每个采暖季Pb 产生的HQ 最大,Mn 次之,Hg 最小。类金属As 与金属Cd、Cr、Ni 的5 个采暖季的致癌风险范围依次为2.20×10-7~1.68×10-4、1.30×10-7~3.20×10-5、8.00×10-8~3.51×10-5、5.00×10-8~2.82×10-5、3.00×10-8~1.70×10-5;2014年、2015年采暖季产生的致癌风险顺序为Cr>As>Cd>Ni,其余年份As>Cr>Cd>Ni,As、Cr 顺序略有差异,Ni 最小。金属与类金属对成年男性产生的健康风险最大,成年女性次之,青少年最小。

[结论]保定市采暖季PM2.5中金属Pb、Mn、Hg 产生的非致癌效应和Ni 产生的致癌效应在可接受的风险水平内,类金属As 以及金属Cr、Cd 存在潜在的致癌效应,但非致癌效应和致癌风险在年份上有下降趋势。




[Background]Among the 72 large and medium-sized cities monitored in China,the air pollution of Baoding is still high,and the pollution of PM2.5in heating season is more serious than that in non-heating season.

[Objective]This assessment focuses on the health risks of metals and metalloids in heating season in Baoding,aiming to provide scientific evidence for air pollution control.

[Methods]During the heating season (15 November to 15 next March) from 2014 to 2018, were collected on the roof of a four-storey school building of Lekai Primary School in Baoding City from 10 to 16 every month,totaling 145 d.The concentration of PM2.5was calculated by weight difference before and after sampling and sampling volume of quartz fiber filter concentrations of 12 metals and metalloids were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS),including antimony (Sb),aluminum (Al),arsenic (As),beryllium (Be),cadmium (Cd),chromium (Cr),mercury (Hg),lead (Pb),manganese (Mn),nickel (Ni),selenium(Se),and thallium (Tl).The non-carcinogenic risks of metals (Pb,Hg,and Mn) and the carcinogenic risks of metals and metalloids (As,Cd,Cr,and Ni) were evaluated by the health risk assessment model for inhalation exposure.

[Results]The daily average concentrations of PM2.5in the five heating periods from 2014 through 2018 were 2.00×102,1.79×102,2.05×102,1.14×102,and 1.19×102μg·m-3respectively,all above the national secondary standard limit ofAmbient Air Quality Standards(GB 3095—2012).The daily average concentrations of Pb were 3.41×10-1,1.44×10-1,1.31×10-1,5.22×10-2,and 8.49×10-2μg·m-3,respectively,all within the national secondary standard limit (GB 3095—2012).The total concentrations of metals and metalloids were 9.21×10-1,8.15×10-1,5.61×10-1,3.58×10-1,and 4.49×10-1μg·m-3,accounting for 0.46%,0.46%,0.27%,0.31%,and 0.38% of the concentration of concentrations of PM2.5and metals and metalloids in the heating periods of 2017 and 2018 were lower than those in the other three heating hazard quotients (HQs) of Pb,Mn,and Hg in the five heating periods were 4.00××10-1,4.00××10-2,4.00××10-2,1.00××10-2,and 1.00××10-2,respectively,all below 1.Pb generated the highest HQ,followed by Mn and then Hg.The carcinogenic risks (R) of As,Cd,Cr,and Ni in the five heating periods were 2.20××10-4,1.30××10-5,8.00××10-5,5.00××10-5,and 3.00××10-5, 2014 to 2015,the order of carcinogenic risk was Cr>As>Cd>Ni,and in the other heating periods,it was As>Cr>Cd>Ni;the ranks of As and Cr was slightly different,and Ni was always at the health risks of metals and metalloids to adult men was the highest,followed by adult women and then adolescents.

文章来源:《中国金属通报》 网址: http://www.zgjstbzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0222/639.html


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